Section: New Results


The parallel computing platforms available today are increasingly larger, so it is necessary to develop efficient strategies providing safe and reliable completion for parallel applications. In [6] , we proposed a performance model that expresses formally the checkpoint scheduling problem by exhibiting the tradeoff between the impact of the checkpoints operations and the lost computation due to failures. In particular, we proved that the checkpoint scheduling problem is NP-hard even in the simple case of uniform failure distribution and also presented a dynamic programming scheme for determining the optimal checkpointing times in all variants of the problem. On a similar issue, we proposed in [35] a fair scheduling algorithm that handles the problem of fair scheduling by adopting processor fair-share as a strategy for user fairness. Our approach showed that a parallel machine can give a similar type of performance guarantee as a round-robin scheduler, without requiring job preemption been required.

From a network calculus perspective, we presented in [16] a new formalism for data packetization in networks, the “packet curves”. Indeed, a more precise knowledge of the packet characteristics can be efficiently exploited to get tighter performance bounds, for example for aggregation of flows, packet-based service policies and shared buffers; finally, we also gave a model for a wormhole switch and showed how our results can be used to get efficient delay bounds.